DECOIN – Blockchain-Based Exchange & Trading Platform with Redistributed Revenues to Coin holders

Decoin is The Newest Service For Exchange Operations Using Bockchain Technology. Each User Gets The Benefits OF the cryptocurrency he uses. The objectives of the developed platform are quite simple: to create innovative service OF a New Generation Which Will Allow Everyone To Receive Necessary Volumes Of Fiat Means.

What problems does Decoin solve?

Blockchain-Platform Solves the main problems, Which in Various Levels Have an Effect on The Cryptocurrency:

  1. The Excessive Profits Of Main Cryptocurrency Exchanges is, Consequently, a Massive gap in The Distribution Of wealth. Most of the price range are Held By Means of The Principle gamers.
  2. Low protection websites. Every day there are burglaries and robbery Of Personal information in Addition to digital approach of Customers.
    Three. Difficulties in buying/selling with the Assist Of Cryptocurrency. It is regularly impossible to purchase Goods and Services.
    So a ways, Nnot a Single Carrier has Failed to remedy all a hundred% of these troubles, but the probabilities of Decoin have, and Pretty Decent.

How Decoin Works
Developers have Created a Single Device That permits Customers To Effortlessly and Without Wasting Time To Allocate Funds. The foundation is the POS Set of Rules, it really works For Every cryptocurrency holder. Each Person Can keep Their financial savings in a digital purse. Interest fee = 6.2%. Also, The Growth in Profit Depends on What Number of Cryptocurrencies you Store On The Service. Decoin The Team Has Thoughts For Creating Maps, Every Sort Of Which Relies Upon On The Funding Inside The Assignment.

ICO Terms
Within The Framework of The ICO application Can Be Applied 60% of The Full Quantity of tokens in Flow. The Buy Of Tokens is To Be Had Simplest to Registered Customers.

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SPORTSFIX – Combining The Fun Of Life and Video on Demand Sports Content

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the SportsFix project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:


The SportsFix Digital Stadium is the closing fan revel in combining the pleasure of stay and Video on Demand (VOD) sports content with the energy of social media, gamification, predictions, delusion leagues and e-trade all driven by means of the SFT. It permits enthusiasts to:
• Pledge and vote for their favorite content
• Control their own enjoy by most effective paying for his or her desired content material
• Engage without delay with their preferred clubs
• Simulate live stadium enjoy by means of interacting with different fanatics in the DS
This concept is a completely unique integration of blockchain {clever contracts} and ‘non-blockchain’ era {OTT}


This Concept is a Unique integration of Blockchain {clever contracts} and ‘OTT’ era (shipping of Movie and television Content material cloth thru the net with out requirising customers to subscribe to standard cable or satellite Television for computer pay-television provider) to permit lovers to disencumber their favored content and product functions through bidding.
SF will have interplay with the fanatics to create a totally precise patron profile that helps to curate their desired sports activities activities content fabric primarily based totally on their behaviour and opportunities. SF’s praise system is designed to create a compulsive loop for engagement, elevate fame amongst enthusiasts, and understand unswerving lovers that help grow the virtual stadiums. This encompasses a gaggle of sports activities that harness fee into the surroundings which include usergenerated content, voiceover talent, content material cloth voting, network constructing and social media sharing.

Consequently, Enthusiasts CAN be Encouraged to interact and actively take part with their desired content. SF intends To utilize sports activities content material as a automobile to enhance up the adoption of cryptocurrency among the Loads via using efficiently integrating this decentralised consumer market into fans’ everyday sports sports Consumption.


digital stadiums are tiered based on group attendance. even though digital stadiums can theoretically have a close to unlimited ability, stadium tiering is used to incentivize respective fan bases to watch the livestream together. because the community of fan bases grow, they collectively as a collection flow up the virtual stadium ranges to liberate modern stadium capabilities to decorate their viewing experience.



The Bronze Stadium is The Base Stadium and Provides The Standard OTT Streaming Experience Alongside One Custom Feature. This Stadium is Continuously Unlocked For Our Digital Season Pass Holders.
The silver stadium has the overall fundamental features unlocked for its fan bases which include incomes loyalty and getting into the organization leaderboard competition with other digital stadiums. These users in this stadium will have active SFT wallet in which they can accrue loyalty points and earn tokens. Fan bases that unlock the silver stadium may be entitled to pick two custom capabilities to experience in their virtual stadium revel in.
The gold digital stadium retains all the features of a silver stadium and allows users to enjoy 5 customized features in their digital stadium experience.
while the platinum virtual stadium is unlocked the market opens. The market allows customers to redeem their loyalty points (see below) that they’ve earned. The platinum virtual stadiums allows customers to access all custom capabilities!


The SuperFan Stadium are virtual Stadiums which can be formally encouraged with the aid of sports activities clubs. This stadium is independent of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum stadiums. here users have access to special content material that is produced by way of the membership that entails participant interviews, behind the scenes, and unique get entry to content material. The SuperFan stadiums are capable of encompass the total digital content material spectrum with the aid of permitting clubs get right of entry to returned to their live streaming rights and complemented it with the ancillary content they produce.





A total of 800,00,000 tokens will be issued, and will be allocated in the following ratios:
• 55% Sold
• 13% Distributed to the SportsFix team
• 9% Distributed to the SportsFix Advisors
• 5% Sports Club Tokens
• 3% Bounty Program
• 15% Retained by SportsFix in a ‘Network Reserve Vault’


Presented in The Graph Above is Defined Below:

  • Content & Aquisitions Covers The Cost OF Acquiring Sports Content, Producing Original Content and strategic Acquisitions.
  • Development Costs Covers All R&D expenses, including Design and Development Of Smart Contracts, Cryptographic Mechanisms, the SportsFix Platform, Apps and Features, SDK, etc.
  • Operation Costs include Streaming and Monthly platform costs, as well as the salaries Of All SF Employees {Excluding The technology Team}.
  • Marketing Costs Will be Allocated Accordingly To Procure Both Distribution Partners {e.g. Mobile Network Operators, Retailers, ISPs, etc.}, and sports fans/users for the OTT platform.
  • Legal & accounting Costs WILL Cover relevant Legal, Auditing and Accounting Related Expenses.



The SportsFix Project, Please Follow a number of sources for the following references


Author : Musbarmalet
ETH : 0x34F75Ff267E9F06494EEe03F963bB04eEF6FeDa0



Gold is a metal, a mineral, known to the world around 6.5 thousand years ago.

After the advent of this metal, development and human life dramatically changed their movements. At present, gold is a profitable material for investing your own money. Over the years, various currencies have appeared and disappeared, and this metal is still very important. Those who have gold reserves have prestige and influence. With the amount of gold, they not only assess the level of wealth, but also obtain a definite place in society. 52% of gold is used for high-value jewelry production. In the industry -18%, 28% – in investment and savings.

At present, more than 50% of global gold reserves are concentrated in China, India, Russia, Japan and Brazil.

KARATCOIN {} Offers the First Platform to Buy, Sell, and Invest in Gold Products.

But a number of problems appear:

* Difficulty Finding Gold in the Market;

* Bond Value: in p Bond market is now unreliable

* The Bond Market no longer lags behind the “Deflation Curve”;

* One of the Main Weaknesses in the Debt Support System is the Debt of Customers that do not fulfill the obligations of their contracts;

* Unused gold;

The Company Will Resolve This Problem As Follows:

– The KARATCOIN platform is directly linked to gold mining operations, which will receive funds to help increase gold production. The greater the financing of KARATCOIN, the higher the aggregate gold production, which in turn, will increase the cost of the KARATCOIN coin.

– On the Decentralized Ethereum Platform, You Can Buy Karatcoin GOLD Certificates with Different Maturity Dates and Semi-Annual Coupons Related to Five Results up to 6% depending on the duration.

– With the help of a smart contract, you can exchange money, property, shares, or something valuable with a transparent, conflict free, while avoiding intermediary services. One of the Benefits of Using a Smart Contract Is an Automated Process. Therefore, if the threshold is not reached, then all the money is returned.

How does it work:



Karatcoin has an experienced team that is ready to make this project a reality. The Karatcoin team brings together a unique team of experts in the fields of cryptoactive assets, distributed computing systems, cellular technology and large-scale application development for consumers, who have created many award-winning applications.

More than 6 years of professional experience in Blockchain technology, personal home pages, and JavaScript. This is a track record of SIMONE ORSO, who is the founder and CEO of Karatcoin.

CLAUDIA BUSATO Is Founder and COO of Karatcoin. And He Has Extensive Experience in Business Relations with Financial Institutions, Researching Business Opportunities, and Scanning and Startup Talents.


ICO information:

* Number of KCD tokens: 24,000,000 KCD (24%)

* Token {KCD} Karatcoin – Fully Compatible With ERC-20 Ethereum Platform

* Hard Cap: $ 24,000,000.00

* Softcap :: ETH Equivalent to 3,000,000.00 US Dollars

* The ratio of the proposed token exchange rate: 1 KCD = 0.1 USD.

You can participate in the ICO

Once the program is fully formed, you have the opportunity to remain a participant in the project and receive a portion of the company’s profits as a KCD token holder, but you can also sell your coins in exchange for crypto currencies. I will wait with their sales, because I want to remain part of this global scale project and grow together with it! Join now and become part of KCD.


More information can be found on the official website:


penulis: Musbarmalet
ETH : 0x34F75Ff267E9F06494EEe03F963bB04eEF6FeDa0


HEROIC.Com – Ico

Sebagaimana jelas Bagi Semua Orang Untuk Bisa Menyaksikan, Ancaman kejahatan Dunia Maya Pada Semua Waktu tinggi. Ini karena sebagian besar langkah-langkah Cybersecurity Modern yang Digunakan Oleh perusahaan Terlalu KUNO Atau Reaktif. Selain itu, ketika Melihat lebih Dekat, kita Dapat melihat bahwa sebagian besar Data Ancaman Dikendalikan Oleh Perusahaan-perusaaan Besar dan Pemerintah, yang Membuat-nya Sangat sulit Untuk Mengembangkan solusi keamanan baru.
HEROIC Token HRO adalah Platform keamanan Crypto Baru Yang Menggunakan pendekatan Baru Untuk perlindungan Ancaman Melalui Penggunaan Sistem inti Yang Didukung AI. Dari Sudut Pandang Fungsional, kita Dapat melihat bahwa itu menggunakan kumpulan Data besar yang sangat reseptif dan Dilengkapi dDengan Protokol keamanan P2P.
Lebih lanjut tentang Layanan Heroik

Sesuai dengan whitepaper perusahaan resmi, Heroic berencana Untuk Menyediakan Publik Dengan Beragam Solusi Perlindungan Generasi-generasi Berikutnya Benar-Benar bebas Biaya. Beberapa Komponen Inti Dari Ekosistem Heroic Meliputi:
  1. Heroic ARC Reactor : ini Adalah ‘pertukaran intelijen Ancaman Terbuka, Perusahaan yang Asli. Hal ini Memungkinkan Pengembang independen Serta Pakar keamanan untuk secara bebas menukar ide dan KODE Perangkat Lunak Sehingga Dapat mengembangkan protokol yang bebas kedap udara dan bebas dari kesalahan.
  2. Heroic Guardian : ini adalah “platform manajemen keamanan terpadu” yang Akan digunakan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut ke privatisasi Blockchain Bisnis .
Selain itu, semua transaksi internal telah diberikan insentif dan Pelanggan Akan Diberikan Pengembalian Yang layak Atas Partisipasi Reguler.
Aspek Penting Lainnya dari Heroik
Tingkat Keamanan Tinggi:
Heroic memberikan pengguna dengan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi melalui penggunaan protokol Proprietary Seperti
  • Threat Mining
  • Cyberlytics
  • Bukti-Ancaman
Landasan Pembangunan:
Ekosistem Heroic berfungsi sebagai tanah inovasi yang matang untuk beragam dApps.
Open Source:
API yang digunakan oleh sistem tata kelola inti adalah berbasis open source dan Didukung oleh Blockchain. Sebagai Hasil dari ini, ia mampu memberikan tingkat perlindungan ancaman yang Tinggi, Serta menghilangkan gesekan yang tidak diinginkan dan biaya yang dikeluarkan karena Perantara Pihak ketiga.
Mengapa Memilih Heroic Token HRO?
(1) Manfaat untuk Pengguna Perorangan:
Platform ini Menggunakan Teknologi yang disebut ITP untuk memaksimalkan keamanan .
Menyediakan pengguna jaringan dengan jumlah kompensasi yang layak untuk partisipasi mereka.
Memungkinkan perlindungan terhadap beragam perangkat digital dan sistem layanan cloud.
(2) Manfaat untuk Organisasi
Memungkinkan perusahaan-perusahaan besar untuk mengakses Bursa Penentang Ancaman Terbuka perusahaan
Membantu meningkatkan pengembangan solusi dunia maya Pihak Ketiga.
Memungkinkan Pengembangan solusi privasi khusus dan dApps.
Detail ICO Token Pahlawan
Menurut Whitepaper, Akan ada total token Heroic yang akan dibuat. Selain itu akan ada Hard Cap $ 51.000.000 di tempat selama fase ICO .
Distribusi token akan dilakukan sebagai berikut:
33% akan dijual ke publik selama penjualan token .
33% lainnya akan dibagikan kepada peserta jaringan dalam bentuk Insentif.
Sisanya akan digunakan untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan ekosistem lebih lanjut.
Pendistribusian Dana akan dilakukan sebagai berikut:
42% dari uang itu akan digunakan untuk keperluan R & D.
22% akan digunakan untuk membayar operasi jaringan.
18% dari pendapatan yang meningkat akan digunakan untuk memasarkan platform
Jumlah yang tersisa akan digunakan oleh anggota tim perusahaan, mitra, dan penasihat hukum.
Untuk perincian tambahan terkait platform ini, pengguna dapat mengirim email ke perwakilan resmi perusahaan.
Tim Manajemen dan Penasihat Memiliki Kombinasi Pengalaman Manajemen Awal Dan tradisional Yang SO:ID dan Kuat Bersama Dengan Sekelompok penasihat yang Paling Berpengalaman Dalam industri Blockchain. Bennett telah memimpin dua dari tiga perusahaan sebelumnya ke Beberapa Inc. 500 kemenangan. Penasihat untuk termasuk, antara lain, John McClurg, Mantan CISO di Dell dan VP saat ini serta Duta Besar di Cylance; David Bradford, Mantan CEO Fusion-io dan Eksekutif di Novell; Tricia Schumann, CEO dari BachHealth; Jeff Flamm, CEO Pikiran Tak Terbatas; Ryan Lewis, pendiri KTT Blockchain BYU; dan Garrett Gee, pendiri yang dijual ke Snapchat.
Detail Token
The HEROIC Ecosystem Di dukung oleh HEROIC Token {HRO} yang memberi insentif kepada Pengguna, Pengembang, dan Organisasi Untuk berpartisipasi didalam Pertumbuhan Jaringan. Saat menerima ancaman tingkat lanjut dilindungi, Para Pelaku jaringan Dengan Lancar Menyumbang data Ancaman Anonim yang digunakan oleh komunitas Untuk mengembangkan solusi cybersecurity cerdas, yang melindungi semua orang yang Terlibat dengan lebih baik.
Bergabung Ke Group Kami :
Profil : Musbarmalet


Memperkenalkan Program Kemitraan


Setelah peluncuran pra-penjualan ICO kami, sekarang menerima aplikasi dari organisasi terkemuka untuk program Kemitraan kami. Dengan bermitra dengan organisasi terbaik, kami akan dapat dengan cepat bergerak maju dengan misi kami untuk melindungi informasi dunia secara cerdas.
Karena kami percaya bahwa kemitraan yang baik merupakan bagian penting bagi pertumbuhan dan kesuksesan kami, kami telah mengalokasikan 25% dari kontribusi penjualan token kami untuk insentif mitra dan application lainnya. Pemohon yang diterima dalam application Kemitraan kami yang berbagi sejumlah besar information ancaman dan secara aktif menggunakan solusi dalam organisasi mereka akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menerima sejumlah besar token HEROIC dan mendapatkan akses ke solusi cybersecurity baru sebelum orang lain.

Terapkan ke Program Mitra kami dengan mengklik di sini

Mengapa Memiliki Program Kemitraan?
Selama Beberapa tahun terakhir, Serangan dan ancaman siber Yang Berbahaya Ini Telah Tumbuh ada Tingkat Eksponensial. Serangan semakin pintar, Cepat, Dan Sangat Berbahaya. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar menghabiskan Miliaran Dolar Dalam upaya untuk melindungi aset dan Data Pelanggan Mereka,Akan Tetapi terus Gagal Dalam Mencegah pelanggaran Data-data Dan Kebocoran.
Jelas Bahwa para Profesional keamanan Selalu 2 Langkah di Belakang peretas dan Ancaman. Sesuatu Harus Berubah. Di,Dan kami Mengusulkan Ekosistem Cybersecurity di mana individu, organisasi, dan pengembang dapat berbagi dan Menggunakan data Ancaman-ancaman Untuk Membangun solusi cybersecurity generasi berikutnya, dan membuat kecerdasan Buatan Canggih untuk Mendeteksi dan mencegah Serangan CYBER di Masa Mendatang.
Karena kami Terus Hadir PAda Berbagai Konferensi dan Merilis informasi Tambahan, Minat Pada Pra-Penjualan TOKEN dan Ekosistem terus berkembang. Bahkan, kami Sudah bermitra Dengan Beberapa Organisasi yang Sangat Baik dan yang Akan Membantu Memfasilitasi pertumbuhan dan Adopsi platform keamanan Siber kami, Guardian dan Epic. Kami berharap bahwa ketika kami Membentuk lebih Banyak kemitraan Dengan berbagai organisasi, ekosistem kami akan Berkembang pesat dan solusi kami akan memberikan keamanan Dan kenyamanan yang lebih Besar bagi Semua.
Panggilan Kami Untuk Kemitraan
Dalam Hal Ini,Meskipun Kami Mendorong jenis Organisasi Apapun Untuk Diterapkan, fokus Utama program saat ini adalah pada mitra peluncuran dan Mitra-Teknologi. Kami Tidak berniat Untuk Menolak Aplikasi Berdasarkan Ukuran Bisnis Atau industri Mereka. Yang Paling Penting bagi kami Adalah; Anda Tertarik Dengan Solusi Kami dan, seperti kami, Percaya ada Cara yang lebih baik, lebih aman dalam berbisnis dan menyimpan data Yang Sangat Sensitif.
Luncurkan Mitra
Mitra Peluncuran Adalah Organisasi yang Sangat Membantu kami Melontarkan ke massa Depan. Mereka Akan Membantu kami Dengan Pemasaran dan Hubungan Dalam Masyarakat, Terdaftar di Bursa, Mempromosikan Solusi Kami di Kolam kripto, Perkenalan kepada INVESTOSR, Konsultasi Hukum, dan Lain-lain. Mitra Teknologi Akan:
  • Bantu mempromosikan
  •  Bagikan konten dan pembaruan
  • Membantu menghubungkan perusahaan bersama
  •  Berpartisipasi dalam acara perusahaan termasuk Airdrops
Mitra Teknologi
Mitra teknologi Adalah Mereka Yang Akan Menggunakan Teknologi Kami Yang Tersedia Disaat Ini dan Solusi Baru Untuk Tetap Masuk Kedalam Tumpukan Keamanan Mereka.Dan Para Mitra ini Memiliki Berbagai Tingkat Partisipasi Untuk Dipilih Mulai Dari komponen audit cybersecurity sederhana hingga meluncurkan adopsi platform  yang Ada di Seluruh Organisasi.Dan Selain itu, Mitra ini Akan Membantu Kami Mengintegrasikan Teknologi Keren Mereka Kedalam Penawaran pPoduk Kami. Mitra Teknologi Akan:
  1.  Uji produk baru
  2.  Sarankan fitur baru
  3.  Berikan Solusi Kepada Karyawan
  4.  Integrasikan ke dalam Platform Kami
  5.  Bantu Tulis API & SDK Mitra akan Menjadi Bagian Dari tim Yang Akan Diperpanjang. Kami Akan memiliki komunikasi mingguan dengan Mitra kami untuk membahas cara Strategis di Mana kami Dapat mendorong komunitas ke Depan dan Menyebarkan MISI kami Untuk Secara Cerdas Melindungi informasi Dunia ke khalayak yang Lebih Luas.
Proses aplikasi
Setiap perusahaan yang ingin menjadi mitra harus mengajukan melalui halaman Kemitraan kami yang terdapat di situs penjualan token kami. Semua pengiriman kemitraan akan ditinjau dan disetujui oleh tim Silakan ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk memulai.
Langkah 1: Sebagai pertimbangan, isi Formulir aplikasi yang ada di halaman ‘Kemitraan’.
Langkah 2: Kami Akan Memilih Proposal Yang Paling Menjanjikan Dan Menjadwalkan Wawancara Telepon atau wawancara langsung.
Langkah 3: Kedua pihak akan mencapai kesepakatan Untuk Pengiriman dan Harapan.
Pelamar akan diberitahu dalam 14 hari setelah pengajuan apakah mereka akan pindah ke Langkah 2 dari proses.
The Perks of Being a Partner
Kami tidak mengharapkan Mitra kami melakukan Semua Pengangkatan Yang berat ini secara gratis. Mereka yang sangat aktif dan Berpartisipasi akan Menerima fasilitas berikut:
  1.  Akses awal ke semua solusi
  2. Akses VIP ke Setiap Acara Yang Ada DiWilayah Anda
  3. Persentase token berdasarkan partisipasi
  4. Logo di situs web utama kami dan situs penjualan token
  5. Logo ditambahkan ke semua materi pemasaran dengan mitra kami

Cybersecurity Is Broken

Solusi: Desentralisasi Cybersecurity Didukung oleh Kecerdasan Buatan
Perlindungan yang cerdas terhadap ancaman sambil memberikan kompensasi untuk menyumbang data ke jaringan, membuat solusi generasi berikutnya tersedia secara bebas untuk semua orang
Manfaat Dalam Berpartisipasi
Tonggak Ekosistem
Terima kasih sudah bersama kami di awal sesuatu yang luar biasa. Kami senang dapat bermitra dengan Anda untuk memperluas Ekosistem
Bergabung Ke grup Kami :
Penulis : Musbarmalet





Author: Musbarmalet
Topic: About InfraCoins (INF) ICO
Reference: Official website and Whitepaper


InfraCoins Embraces Blockchain Era To Open a Decentralized Marketplace in Motel Bookings and The Belongings Sector. By Using utilising Existing Technologies and Concepts including inn and accommodation lists, on line bookings and purchases, and by means Of Building the first integrated marketplace the usage of a decentralized INF ledger. InfraCoins additionally presents a platform with low transaction Charges, as it brings all consumers and producers collectively without a 0.33 Parties Concerned, So this Provides Direct blessings to Each parties.
What’s InfraCoin?
The InfraCoins platform is a decentralized assets listing surroundings that makes use of blockchain era to make the recording technique inexpensive, greater convenient and more secure. InfraCoins era will reduce traditional frustration, fraud prices, put off times, and friction points in hotel reserving and condo techniques to advantage all clients and customers.
Why do you have got InfraCoin?
Various sectors in recent years have been disrupted due to technological evolution. despite the fact that so many industries had been disrupted (retail, social media, transportation), belongings list area remains mired in way of life and does no longer have similar innovations. The process of booking motels and lengthy-time period leases nevertheless consequences in frustration and time loss for both customers and clients.
nowadays, InfraCoins gives internet-based resort booking offerings and long-term rentals, platform listings to customers. Our most important intention is to make use of blockchain technology to ensure a unbroken motel and rental reserving enjoy that lets in all rental packages, apartment contracts, hotel reserving and list strategies to be finished speedy on line.
How does INF work?
The INF Ledger Decentralization is a Device SO As To Manage all Transactions and Relationships Between Motel / Belongings Vendors and Customers. In essence, There Could be Rules and operations on the way to be governed by using the shrewd settlement Used inside The Ethereum Virtual Machine.
The Decentralization INF Ledger is a Machine That WILL Take Care Of All Transactions And relationships Between Hotel And Property suppliers and customers. In essence, there will Be Rules and Operations That Will BE Escorted BY Smart Contracts used in the Ethereum Maya Machine.
Utilizing Blockchain Technology
WE Pay Attention To a Steady Increase in The Number Of Projects To Try To Launch Their Token Sales Without Really Needing Blockchain Technology That WE Believe TO Be a Big Red FLAG. This is WHY We Feel It Is Very Important TO Explain Why Blockchain Technology is Absolutely Necessary for OUR Project And how Our Value Depends On it.
  • INF Detail Token
  • Token: INF
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Type: ERC20
  • PreICO price: 1 INF = 0.7 USD
  • Price in ICO: 1 INF = 1.25 USD
  • Tokens for sale: 30,000,000
  • Accept: BTC, ETH, XRP, Fiat
  • Distributed in ICO: 60%
  • Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD


Distribution & SUPPLAY
SOFTCUP is Set At 3,000,000 USD Because BE Believe This is The Minimum Amount That Allows InfraCoin TO Establish Companies And Make investments That are appropriate To The REAL Estate Market
we’ve got a very easy and clean plan for groups that have full resources. As a result, our assignment development software is as follows:
1. problem the INF token and raise funds
build a marketplace (both internet and cell based totally packages) and launch the beta version of   the decentralized INF Ledger.2. integrate the market into decentralized machines to help ordering.

3. upload as a minimum 100,000 homes through the quit of 2018 so that our users 4. will be capable of spend their INF and take a look at the platform

5. attract extra property proprietors to check in their industrial and home homes so that you can consist of motels, workplace space, residences, and so forth. as 6. well as software integrators to sign in their whole client portfolio

7. provide unheard of aggressive fees to clients international

8. entice and appreciate purchaser loyalty
Disturb the monopoly and trade the manner we register the belongings and e-book our resort.

9. attract arbitrators, dealers, insurance groups, carrier corporations, felony service agencies

10. build a market for the listing of real property industries and integrate with our platform

11. embody each startup or current journey application that wants to connect with the decentralized INF Ledger

Expert Team
Expert Advisor
Join Our Community


Author: Musbarmalet | Profile:






Hello everyone, I will iIntroduce The project about Coinolix, if you are willing to join the Coinolix project, let’s look at the following review:
Coinolix exchange provides a wide range Of Crypto Currencies, ERC20 Tokens. Easy To Use User Interface Combined With high Performance Trading Engine.
Coinolix exchange Follows a Best Practice by keeping the majority of the asset reserve in cold storage, which is not Present On The Web Server or any other computer to secure users fund on exchange wallet.

What is Coinolix?

Coinolix is ​​a multifunctional e-currency exchange ecosystem, combining a powerful cryptographic asset exchange platform. Large volumes of commercial requirements can be considered using adaptive tools and expanded in a few minutes. Coinolix exchanges recommendations, keeping most of the stocks in cold storage that are not on the web server or on any other computer to protect user accounts on purses. , Trading services include spot-trading, margin trading, futures trading.



The business structure should be developed from the earliest stages, with priority being safety, efficiency, speed and adaptability. Many exchanges often choose the easiest way to cope with how to get started. Although this can work fine to get started, when the development activity, the structure will not be ready to work with the expanded network load. This often undermines the main course of the exchange, but it is fundamental to reaching for long distances.


Because the business password is very new, it does not quite fit the liquidity. The presence of ambiguous order means a high decline in transactions with electronic money, which is especially expensive for traders.

Platform Security

Almost all electronic money is invariant, and it is not possible to change them after the transaction, because these exchanges refuse to take responsibility for the transaction. There are some broken exchanges due to the attack.
However, these advances are so expensive that exchanges have no chance of gaining recognition from them, that is, they are responsible for most programmers with sufficient knowledge – how to bypass their security framework.

Poor Customer Support

A trader is another breed when it comes to the user. Understanding the user problem is very important for successful exchange. When the exchange point proves that it undermines the trust of the trader, this is unacceptable, which results in a number of complaints from users.

Language Support

There are no borders on the electronic money market. Most exchanges are concentrated only in one dialect or one country and, as a result, on the poor support of this international market.

Barriers for Banks

Banks hinder the arbitrary choice of trading platforms because of extremely volatile conditions for the functioning of the electronic money market. Banks put them on their feet after checking and checking the user profile.


Solutions In coinolix together with our team, we develop the first multifunctional e-currency ecosystem, integrating a reliable exchange platform, and Fiat has attached a Coinamia coin. Coinolix Exchange offers a variety of electronic money, cards ERC20. Easy-to-use user interface combined with a high-performance transaction mechanism.
Coinolix exchanges recommendations, keeping most of the stocks in cold storage that are not on the web server or on any other computer to protect user accounts on purses. , Large volumes of commercial requirements can be overcome with the help of adaptive tools and increased in a few minutes.


Trading services include spot-trading, margin trading, futures trading. We will provide security for cross-platform devices on all browser-based platforms, Android and iOS platform platforms, PC platform (Windows, Mac, Linux), REST API. support and responsibility are distributed to our employees and companies.
CLX token details
CLX Token – the standard ERC20 token from Ethereum Blockchain. This universal token can be used as a means of exchange, as well as payment of transaction fees, transaction fees, withdrawal fees, listing fees on the Coinolix Exchange.



Distribute the token


  • Total delivery: one billion CLX
  • Crowds before sale: 100 million CLX
  • The ultimate crowd: 400 million CLX
  • Constituent team: 200 million CLX
  • Advisory group: 100 million CLX
  • Angelic investors: 150 million CLX
  • Bonus: 20 million CLX
  • Introduction: 30 million CLX


Use the data of the fund


Use the data of the fund

Mission street map
March 2017
To promote the centralized exchange and decentralization of the next generation, marketing studies and strategies for the alternate of digital money start.
August 2017
The e-trade device for cash has come to an end, and the the front-stop overview starts to look at the security and improvement of the person interface of the alternate.
January 2018
acquire a relatively certified improvement team for a complete and whole era lockout for Fiat money.
March 2018
market studies and analysis of preliminary plans The coin provides final touch.
July 2018
starting with Airdrop and Whitelisting and registering KYC for the crowd.
August 2018
Consensus within the improvement and improvement of Finnish economic blocks.
October 2018
The initial section of the ICO begins fifteen days from October 8, 2018 to November 7, 2018.
November 2018
starting with the ICO crowd from November 8, 2018 to December thirteen, 2018.
January 2019
Beta on-line sharing.
Q1 2019

Notification of cooperation with a 3rd-birthday celebration trustee in gold reserves and assessments of liquid reserves.




The Coinolix trade platform is initiated and supported by a wealth of enjoy with the first-class software builders, monetary professionals, protection professionals, network administrators and guide body of workers. Our group believes in the destructive strength of blockchain era and clever contracts and realizes that maximum of the present day electronic currency is superb for modern technical specialists, but for normal customers; which could make sure the strength and reliability of the undertaking. So, with them at the wheel of the Coinolix trade undertaking, you can make sure that your investments are on the proper platform.
Read more:


Unsername bitcointalk : Musbarmalet
ETH: 0x34F75Ff267E9F06494EEe03F963bB04eEF6FeDa0


URunIt – About Ico Review

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Author: Musbarmalet
Topic: u Run it – Gambling platforms that are managed 100% by the community.
Reference: Official website of and Whitepaper
About U Run It
U Run it’s miles a modular, comprehensive, and absolutely equipped platform. Operators can installation the U Run It platform, customize it for their brands, upload sport content material, and release casinos in just a few days. Operators may even keep away from many troubles and costs associated with returned-workplace integration, accounting, and person control.
U Run It platform offers the entirety they want to manipulate licensed and profitable casinos: included returned office, sport control, protection, transparent sport results, availability of unique content, and incorporated analysis of players and their conduct.
problems in the market
Time can go by way of, technology can trade, but the relevant principle in the world of gambling remains the same: players come to casinos and spend their money in hopes of triumphing speedy.
The problem is that most of the players who lose and don’t even have the possibility to influence casino paintings in any manner. hence, it can be concluded that the primary troubles of the playing market are:
  • on line casino customers are courageous people who keep to look for movement and novelty; they may be bored fast and are pressured to transport from one on line casino to any other casino constantly to discover something special.
  • It’s hard for casinos to draw new gamers, and that they continue to be compelled to spend most of the income from commercials, bonuses, affiliate programs, and different gimmicks to attract customers.
  • regardless of how a great deal cash the casino will spend to keep their clients so long as possible, however it won’t work, customers received’t last lengthy.

How will URUNIT solve this trouble?

Of path, all games along with card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines on this platform might be controlled via the gamers themselves.

  • the easiest manner to give an opportunity to every user to turn out to be a sport proprietor is to draw a lottery. pix are held automatically. Winners have to pay a small fee in the URUN token to affirm their proper to very own the game.
  • players can decide the parameters of the game or tournament they host and come to be the proprietor of the game for now. as an example, every sport is rented to 1 participant for a small charge.
  • during this rent, the owner of the sport now not only video display units what is going on however additionally performs critical capabilities as a moderator.on the end of the length, the sport owner will get hold of maximum of the earnings generated for the duration of the hire length.
  • try to imagine? If there may be a choice, who nevertheless desires to play in an everyday on line casino that doesn’t provide the opportunity of being a part of it.
URUNIT’s main competitive advantages
  1. gamers not play against casinos, they’ll compete with each other for the right to host the suit.
  2. As a end result, the whole place and all the tactics in it’ll develop into one big and interesting recreation. The excitement and interest of casino gamers will boom threefold.
  3. sizable price discount in attracting and preserving players together with the exponential boom in platform reputation, as well as the range of users.
Why do you’ve got to shop for URUN tokens?
  • restricted offer
URUN clever agreement via a decentralized blockchain protocol will make sure that handiest a positive variety of URUN tokens can be issued during the ICO. And there may be no greater token issues after the ICO.
  • Jackpot picture
each token holder may be capable to take part in our each day, weekly and monthly jackpot pics. As many as 70% of all tokens gathered by means of the platform will be used for jackpot pics.
  • Compliance with guidelines
we’ve got obtained expert advice from the pleasant attorneys who specialize inside the control of cryptocurrency finance. URUN tokens are utility tokens, now not safety. this indicates a quick listing on the change after the ICO.
  • regular request for tokens

URUN Tokens are needed with a view to use the U Run It platform, but the range of move tokens will continue to decline. URUN tokens are used as “gas” for all transactions to pay for offerings on the platform, and with every transaction, a small variety of tokens are “burned” (they’re eliminated from circulation). but, at the identical time, the range of casino operators using our platform and the whole quantity of players using URUN tokens will grow exponentially. therefore, the call for for URUN tokens will retain to increase.

  • Technical benefit
now not handiest programmers can broaden URUN smart contracts; we have extra than 3 years revel in in blockchain answers and the high first-rate and security of this smart contract has been showed by means of a technical audit carried out by way of the first-class specialists in blockchain security.
blessings of URUN token holders
The URUN Token will deliver the holder the proper to turn out to be a full player inside the platform with all of the advantages:
here is a listing of numerous benefits for URUN token holders:
  • Can participate in every day jackpots (price range – 40% URUN tokens, accumulated by means of shape-plates for the duration of the day)
  • Can take part in weekly jackpots (funds – 15% URUN tokens, gathered through the platform for a week)
  • Can participate in monthly jackpots (funds – 15% URUN tokens, collected by using the platform for a month)
  • regular increase in token call for
  • area leasing
  • purchase services at the platform
  • change rank
  • opportunity to use tokens as sport currencies on the platform
  • access to beta trying out of games (closed checking out before launch)
  • possibility to promote tokens in the largest crypto exchanges


URUN Token
Our tokens are made by using the ERC-20 general and are used in platforms for:
fee of services on the platform by way of the consumer
Transactions among users at the platform
payments to third-party sport developers
charge from the operator
Token description
Token distributio
Token sales schedule
URUN token sale will take place in three stages:
Token Distribution and Use of Funds
The possibility of a pump & dump is low
Unsold Tokens, Which ARE Posted For Sale During Pre-sale, Pre-ICO, And ICO Campaigns Will BE Distributed Proportionally Among Those Who Buy Our Tokens During The Pre-Sales And ICO Stages. The Token Provided FOR The Founder Will Be frozen for two years from the end of the ICO Campaign. Tokens Provided For Team Members Will Be frozen For One Year From The End Of The ICO Campaign.
Project Team
Project team
Join our community :


DEALJOY Generates Crypto When Shopping Online


Generates Crypto When Shopping Online


howdy all friends, this is good news for you who want to shop on-line. The platform offered with the aid of Dealjoy allows you to keep on line and get crypto money when you save. properly, if you are interested by becoming a member of and want to get money Even As Shopping, You higher Read The reason about Dealjoy underneath.

Dealjoy is a global cashback platform that continually focuses on privacy and is designed in order to Connect on line consumers with their preferred traders and offer cash lower back in the shape of immediate crypto. by the use of blockchain generation and Ethereum-based totally ERC-20 widespread tokens known as DEAL, cashback might be given personally, globally, and immediately Without a minimal charge limit.

Dealjoy operates among clients and online traders with the aid of negotiating and handling numerous exceptional affiliate transactions. And when contributors proceed to the web shop via the Deal-joy platform, they will obtain cashback commissions for every of their purchases, and with almost no private information had to identify what’s going to receive to third events.

To grow to be a member of Dealjoy is loose and that they can be accessed with the aid of everybody. you may get a Dealjoy account with the registration process in a simple place and deliver Dealjoy individuals entire get admission to to the platform, cashback, offers and DealShop.

except regular club, Dealjoy additionally offers premium offerings called Dealjoy Plus with diverse advantages. but, for an improve to Dealjoy Plus, you need to make a deposit and this may quickly lock some DEAL tokens.

All cashback prizes paid to customers are in The form Of DEAL TOKENS, this is Done to Create a simple and Attractive way Way To reward Members because they already use the Dealjoy platform.
The tokens that have been given can be used to make purchases at the integrated DealShop or are drawn to the external wallet of each member. And in deful, this DEAL token is stored in the user’s personal wallet on the Dealjoy platform itself.
Dealjoy also offers exceptional features that allow its members to interact. If you want to know more about the advanced features offered by Dealjoy, read on this article.

The Dealjoy Platform Dealjoy

platform is a fully organized dashboard display to explore and find various providers that offer the best and most attractive money back you can enjoy. You can also access Dealjoy via Dealjoy’s Android and iOS application.


Trader If you Are a Trader.? This Cashback Program Will Provide very impressive results that can be enjoyed in various sales performance indicators.


In addition to the basic operating model, Dealjoy also refers users to online stores to get money back for all their purchases and a platform that will enter product-specific offers and categories for each member to get benefits.

Dealjoy Explorer highly appreciates and gives freedom to its members to choose. Therefore, Dealjoy users can always pull their DEAL tokens into a personal Ethereum wallet or switch to an account, and exchange them for other coins, or sell fiat on an external exchange.
Refunds & Refunds
Affiliate commissions will be paid if the order is not returned to the merchant or returned because They were Damaged When Sending, The Package Was lost, etc.. However, there is a Period of Waiting for affiliate partners To approve and pay a commission for 4 weeks calculated from The Date of purchase.
Here is a detailed review of DEAL tokens that you can later use to shop or exchange them for other coins, or you can also sell fiat on an external exchange.


Token Information DEAL



Token Allocation





Looking at the programs and features that have been developed by Dealjoy, this is an amazing project That Continues to grow and get stronger because they are supported by Some of The largest online Markets that have been trusted for decades. Besides getting comfort while shopping, you can also enjoy Money back which can later be Used anywhere.
If you still want to know more about this project, you Can Read it on the Whitepaper Or Directly On the official website of Dealjoy which we include Below.






Today I would like to introduce you to a project that is Sidera

Sidera is a new platform that allows users in Retail Point of Sale (POS) to use smartphones and non-contact smartphones. Sidera is the first blockchain technology to use the first wearable decals.

Sidera is a complete, end-to-end solution for non-contact retail and point-of-sale (POS) smartwatches including full-stack reference implementation of all components. It includes a mobile application and point-of-sale (POS) terminal that is ready andworking. All of these components will be offered extensively through open source and open specifications.

Sedir’s vision

Sidera will help create new and old needs, as well as large and small electronic money.

Sidera is focusing on Asia more specifically in Indonesia and China.

Author: Musbarmalet
Topic: Decentralized First Wearable Device with Blockchain Technology


talking of cryptocurency, the handiest thing you could purchase these days with cryptocurrency is another cryptocurrency. And the general public do not need to get worried with this method and that they may not be interested until the common consumer can use their cryptocurrency to shop for a bag of rice or bread, the relevance of cryptocurrency is constrained and handiest for a small target audience.
The Sidera platform will exchange the cryptocurrency sample for you to use it at factor of Sale {POS}retailers thru smartwatch and smartband contactless. Following inside the footsteps of Bitcoin fulfillment, Sidera also has the equal houses from real Implementation, Open Governance, and Incentivization which permits for speedy expansion of solutions globally and comprehensively.
About Sidera
Platform Sidera is a complete solution for contactless retail sales points and smartwatch (POS) inclusive of the utility of a full reference stack of all additives.
This consists of the cell utility and point-of-sale (POS) terminals that are already inside the deployment. All of those components will be broadly to be had through open source and open specifications.
The Sidera community gives loose incentives to all participation thru the provision of hardware to retail shops in european geography as preliminary goals. each person is given incentives to participate inside the Sidera community thru accessibility and ease of use, with the ease of cellular bills and the simplicity of clever watches.
Our vision
The Sidera platform will help to generate new and old cryptocurrencies, on a large and small scale. There has never been another online cryptocurrency exchange that can bring in a number of new cryptocurrency users from this segment and in the same amount, thanks to our strong focus on attracting the consumer market.
Our Mission
We trust and strongly consider inside the crypto network in which we have been a part of this circle of relatives since the first day of Bitcoin. We need to scale Bitcoin and the adoption of cryptocurrency that brings this revolution to the loads. but before this purpose, we need to return to the community all the values ​​we’ve obtained in these years.
we’ve started this journey in 2009 and 2012, whilst Founder Sidera found Bitcoin. If we’re here these days, it truly is thanks to the crypto circle of relatives. we’ve the opportunity these days to give returned something that is very critical to the network: that is a prize so that it will supply Bitcoin and Blockchain public security that they deserve.
Our technology
Sidera’s scalable ecosystems will revolve around a new revolutionary way of sending crypto: Decentralized Wearable Devices (DWD).

What is the use of using smart watches?

This device is cool and can support and sustain our own daily productivity. For this purpose we developed the world’s first Decentralized Wearable Device Project, SmartBit. This is an intrusive and crypto friendly person! Your funds are guaranteed around your wrist, fully encrypted and allow offline hand-to-wrist exchanges and a number of other innovative characteristics.
SmartBit is a new idea of ​​smartwatches and smart-bands that focus on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The scope of this device is to provide its users with the easiest, practical, innovative and safe way to manage Crypto-environment.
SmartBit Project
SmartBit allows people to receive, send and manage Bitcoin and cryptocurrency or other ERC20 tokens completely directly from your wrist in a beautiful and safe way. Smart watches will connect to companion applications that handle features such as addresses, contacts, blockchain synchronization, and much more.

SmartBit will be produced in three specific versions:

  1. BitBand: multi-color interchangeable wrist strap with touch screen;
  2. BitWatch Premium: Elegant 3-color intelligent clock with touch screen;
  3. BitWatch Visionary: Elegant smart clock with touch screen and multi-layered security with face recognition and biometric sensors.
SmartBit feature
You can see and find complete specifications about this Decentralized Wearable Devices {DWD{} project on the official website and the white paper provided by our team.
Our team

Our link :

Author: Musbarmalet 
eth address: